
  • More US employers to hire temps, best jobs outlook in nine years

    According to CareerBuilder’s job forecast for 2015, 46 percent of employers plan to hire temporary or contract workers in 2015, up from 42 percent in last year’s survey.  In addition, 56 percent of employers hiring temporary workers plan to transition some into full-time, permanent employees.

    Mentorship: An Investment in the Next Generation

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Millennial generation will overtake Baby Boomers as the largest generation in the workforce in 2015. And, 28% of Millenials are already in management roles. In the past, mentorships or apprenticeships played a significant role in the training of the next generation of workers. Unfortunately, with the changing dynamics of the workplace, this practice of teaching and leading has faded away in most industries.

    Here are three reasons mentorships should be a part of your business plan for your workforce...