• How to Ace a Job Interview via Video

    May 07, 2020

    As the current pandemic has led to unconventional business communication methods this spring, job seekers are left wondering if there are still ways to land an interview and secure their dream career. Though in-person interviews are virtually nonexistent for the time being, many companies are leaning towards virtual communication and video interviewing techniques to secure new talent. This can be daunting for a camera-shy individual, but our team at Express Employment is here to show you that you can still succeed. 

    While there are numerous benefits to virtual interviewing (comfort and familiarity), there are also a few drawbacks that you might encounter. For those who have ever conducted a video conference or even a Skype call with a distant relative, you'll know just how painfully awkward these experiences can be. However, with the right mindset and confidence, you'll have the tools to make your online interview go as smoothly as possible. 

    The most important (and overlooked) thing you can do for an online interview is to practice. While practicing in front of the mirror or even a family member can certainly help, the most important way to practice is in the setting that you will encounter during the interview. You should wear your chosen outfit, choose a certain spot in the house, and record yourself answering possible interview questions aloud. By doing this, you will be able to confidently talk to your interviewer when the time comes knowing that you practiced every detail. 

    Another tip for any interview is to practice pronunciation and your speed of speaking. Often, when individuals get nervous and they have the tendency to speak quickly, which can make it hard to follow. To come across as eloquent and well-spoken, you should practice speaking slowly and clearly. 

    The last thing that you should be aware of when interviewing via video is holding eye contact. Many people find eye contact uncomfortable and hard to manage, but it is one of the strongest ways to show an employer that you know what you are talking about and can communicate with confidence. While you don't want to stare into the interviewer's eyes for the entirety of the call, you should try to make eye contact frequently when speaking and gesturing. 

    It may seem like finding a job right now is impossible, but you would be surprised at how many companies are looking for help. Check out our open jobs to see what we have available!