Is It Time to Make a Change? 4 Signs it Might Be Time to Quit Your Job

  • Is It Time to Make a Change? 4 Signs it Might Be Time to Quit Your Job

    Rantoul, IL - March 30, 2023

    2023-03 - Career company in Rantoul, Illinois

    Deciding to quit your job is never an easy one. After all, for many of us, our careers are our livelihoods—they help pay the bills, feed our families, and provide stability. But if you’ve been feeling like something isn’t quite right in your current role, it might be time to consider leaving. Here are five signs from an expert in employment staffing that could indicate it’s time to move on.

    1. You dread going to work every day. 

    While everyone has days they don't necessarily look forward to, if you're consistently feeling anxious or uneasy about going to work each morning, it may be time for a change. If you find yourself daydreaming about other opportunities or counting down the minutes until quitting time every day, it's a sign that something needs to change.

    2. You're not learning anything new. 

    If you feel like you've hit a plateau in your current role and aren't being exposed to any new challenges or opportunities for growth and development, then it may be time for a change of scenery. It's important that we keep pushing ourselves and constantly challenging ourselves so that we can continue growing in our professional lives.

    3. Your job doesn't align with your values. 

    Your values play an incredibly vital role in your life and career, so you must be in a job that reflects those values. If you've been feeling like your current role or company culture isn't aligned with your core beliefs, then it might be time to look for something else.

    4. Your salary doesn't meet your needs. 

    Salary is an important factor to consider when evaluating whether it's time for a change. If your current salary doesn't meet your needs or match the industry average, then you should ask for a raise. If your boss continues to deny you the chance to work towards a raise, then start looking for a job that pays more.

    If you find yourself feeling one or more of these signs, it might be time to reevaluate and consider a change. Contact your local career company if you need help finding a better fit for your next job. Your success and happiness in your career should always remain your top priorities, so don't be afraid to take the necessary steps to ensure that those remain in check!

     About Us

    Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Rantoul, IL is a full-service employment agency. We eliminate stress by offering a truly customized full-service staffing solution.

    Express Employment Professionals of Rantoul, IL
    200 North Turner Drive
    Rantoul, IL 61866
    (217) 892-4000