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    Aimee Aiken

    Community Relations Advisor

    Aimee is one of the many cheerful voices on the other end of the line ready to assist with any recruitment and career change needs. She is helpful and compassionate when it comes to supporting our current employers and building connections with people in the community who work with people looking for work. Prior to joining Express Employment Professionals, Aimee helped people working in the insurance industry. Career changes happen, but you don’t have to lose HOPE during the process! Call Aimee for hope and a job!

    Fun Fact: She and her Hubby Anthony have been Square Dancers and Loving life together since they were 16 years old!

    Email Aimee Aiken

    Heather Lea Gallagher

    Fearless Champion of Associate Outreach

    Heather is an outgoing team member who works hard to connect you with the job of your dreams. She enjoys making the job search process a magical experience from start to finish. Heather’s background in theater has helped her turn every day in the office into an auditorium for success.

    Fun Fact: She loves to golf and wants to join the Senior Tour one day!

    Email Heather Lea Gallagher

    Kristy Kay

    Business Development Guru

    Kristy is our business development professional. She works to connect with employers in our area to understand business challenges and opportunities as it relates to recruiting, screening, onboarding and retention. She is known for the great questions she asks and her ability to solve problems with her creative thinking and solution oriented mindset. If you see her driving the "Express-MOBILE", be sure to honk and say "hi"!

    Fun Fact: She can play 3 instruments: the saxophone, the guitar, and the piano.

    Email Kristy Kay

    Chelsea Mannino Rivers

    Career Matchmaker Extraordinaire

    Chelsea joined the team with a strong background from the retail industry working in both market stores and the corporate office. Her role focuses around the partnership of recruiting talent and job matching. She's a match maker, but for work, not love! If you're looking for employment in the Western North Carolina area you want to connect with her.

    Fun Fact: She finds, buys, and eats any and all limited edition Kit Kats and Oreos! If you find a rare one, let her know!

    Email Chelsea Mannino Rivers

    Sarah Snyder

    Chaos Coordinator

    Sarah is likely one of the first faces you see and voices you hear on our team. She's even the mastermind behind our social media awesomeness so check it out! She juggles everything from timecards to tax paperwork to providing general support for job seekers and employers alike. With a varied background in wedding photography, pastry baking, and social media management, Sarah is no stranger to fast-paced environments.

    Fun Fact: She is a serious crafter. She even made cross stitched self-portrait!

    Email Sarah Snyder

    Brooke Souder

    Career Matchmaker Extraordinaire

    Brooke joined our team in March of 2017 and is our lead recruiter. Moving from Hawaii, her focus is to work with employers and job seekers for both the manufacturing and professional service industries. She identifies a variety of talent with customer service, accounting, project coordination, human resources, machine operation, forklift, maintenance technician, production supervisor experience and more!

    Fun Fact: She was in an was in an Oscar Mayer Wiener commercial when she was a kid. Gold star for anyone who can find a copy of the commercial!

    Email Brooke Souder


    Barketing Manager

    WhoDey is an important member of our team and office operation. Whether she greets someone at the door or sleeps in the middle of the hall way, she ensures that all who interact with her feel her love and peace!

    Fun Fact: Whodey is a goldendoodle. She doesn't shed and is hypo-allergenic.

    Email WhoDey