• The Results Are In: “Constant Interruptions” the Biggest Waste of Time

    May 12, 2016

    busy manager In April, we asked our readers to share with us about the  biggest waste of their time on a daily basis . And with 21% of the votes, "Constant interruptions by employees/co-workers" was the top choice, followed closely behind by "Reading/replying to email" at 17%, and "Unnecessary meetings" at 15%.

    The rest of the results are as follows:

    • General disorganization (9%)
    • Social media/internet browsing (9%)
    • Idle chit chat with co-workers (8%)
    • Micromanaging employees (5%)
    • Last-minute projects (5%)
    • Phone calls/texting (3%)
    • Dealing with personal tasks/errands (1%)
    • Smoke/snack breaks (1%)

    Just over 4% of respondent to the poll selected the "Other" option and submitted their own answers, including:

    • Poor communication
    • Bouncing between projects
    • Computer issues
    • Legal red tape
    • Fixing mistakes

    Stop the interruptions before they stop you

    In any workplace, interruptions are always  going to be a way of life . However, there are steps you can take to reclaim your time and get some work done.

    Set boundaries  - Close your door and make your intentions known-you are in work mode now and  can't be interrupted . If you set clear boundaries and give enough notice to your employees and co-workers that you will be out of hand for a few hours, they may be more apt to give you some space.

    Unplug  - Of course, if you need to take building your fortress of solitude a step further, try completely unplugging. Close your email, turn off your phone-even your personal mobile phone-basically, make it nearly impossible to reach you.

    Get off the grid  - Finally, if you need complete confidence that you can't be found, it may be necessary to leave the office altogether. Whether that means going to a local coffee shop, heading home, or to some undisclosed location nobody knows about but you, find a spot where you are assured total isolation.

    What are some ways you waste time at work? What steps have you taken to address them? Let us know!

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