How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

  • How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

    Danville, IL - November 05, 2021

    2021-10 October Business Staffing Agency in Danville, IL The job search  process can be a difficult one, especially when you are not getting any responses. It may feel like you need to take some drastic measures in order to get noticed and land the job of your dreams. One such measure is to write an excellent resume that stands out from all the other candidates. In this blog post, we will discuss tips for writing a resume that will help you stand out against the competition and increase your chances of getting hired! 

    What hiring managers search for when looking at your resume:   

    - Keywords  

    Make sure you are using the right ones! For example, if you are applying to be a graphic designer, consider including words like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in your work experience.  

    - Skills  

    Hiring managers want to know what skill sets their applicants have, so list everything pertaining to the position you are applying for! There is no limit to the number of skills/abilities/proficiencies required.  

    - Accomplishments  

    Hiring managers are looking for people with good track records, so try to include any projects you've worked on or awards you have received. If there is something that stands out about your work history, this will be useful information as well!   

    - Education  

    Hiring managers may want to see what degree you have obtained and if it pertains to the field they're hiring for. For example, a hiring manager of an accounting firm would prefer applicants who have degrees in accounting. If you don't have a degree, don't stress! You can explain your relative knowledge during your interview process.   

    We hope these tips were helpful and encourage everyone looking for employment to go ahead and try using them on their own resumes! We wish all our readers luck in their search and remember: don't give up. If you find yourself needing further assistance, feel free to contact your local  employment center  Express for help finding the job of your dreams.  

    Express Employment Professionals in Danville, IL is a full-service staffing agency that offers a customized experience to eliminate stress and frustration by providing services in our community and by helping job seekers find employment proactively. 

    Express Employment Professionals of Danville, IL 
    3160 North Vermillion Street 
    Danville, IL 61832 
    (217) 703-4156