Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting a Second Interview

  • Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting a Second Interview

    Danville, IL - October 06, 2021

    Employment Company in Danville, ILjob search  can be a frustrating process. You've submitted one application after the other and finally landed a few interviews. Now it's been a few weeks, and you either haven't been invited back for second interviews, or you've already received rejection emails. What's happening? Before jumping to the conclusion that this stems from something you did wrong, it's important to remember that the reason you aren't getting contacted for a second interview could have nothing to do with you. The company might have had to do some restructuring that impacted their financial ability to hire anyone new. Another possible cause could be that the hiring manager already had an internal candidate in mind for the position but is simply following an administrative mandate to interview external candidates.  

    On the other hand, if you are making some classic first-interview faux pas, Express Employment Professionals is here to help! 

    • You Actually Did Flop the Interview  

    All of the following could be reasons your interviewer chose not to give you another chance to prove to them that you're the right fit for their company: showing up late, not knowing much about the company, failing to explain why you wanted the job, getting flustered when you didn't know a question, and trying to cover up your nervousness with jokes that were in poor taste. Learn from these missteps and do better next time.  

    • You Failed to Follow Directions 

    Just as you must follow directions in the interview process, you must adhere to any follow-up instructions given to you by the hiring manager. For example, if you're told that the company will be interviewing other candidates for the rest of the week, then follow up the day after your interview with a thank you note or email and wait to reach out until the specified allotment of time has passed. 

    • Your Social Media Accounts are Public and Not Professional 

    In this digital age, many hiring managers are adding candidate's social media accounts to their post-interview checklist as well as calling references. If your accounts are set to public and you are sharing less than professional content - inappropriate photos, posts with vulgar language, etc., you could be hurting your chances of gaining that second interview.  

    If you found these tips helpful, contact Express in Danville to help you with our  career services

    Express Employment Professionals of Danville, IL 
    3160 North Vermillion Street, 
    Danville, Illinois 61832 
    (217) 703-4156