The First Day Jitters: How to Overcome Anxiety When Starting a New Job

  • The First Day Jitters: How to Overcome Anxiety When Starting a New Job

    Danville, IL - September 21, 2022

    2022-09 Local Staffing Company in Danville, IL Starting a new job can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. On the one hand, you're embarking on a new adventure and gaining new experiences. On the other hand, you may feel anxious about meeting new people, navigating an unfamiliar environment, or performing up to expectations. If you're feeling nervous about your first day on the job, don't worry - you're not alone! Here are some tips from a leader in office staffing solutions for overcoming anxiety when starting a new job. 

    Prepare Mentally and Emotionally 

    If you're leaving a job that you loved, it's normal to feel sad or anxious about starting something new. Give yourself time to grieve the loss of your old position, and then focus on the positive aspects of your new role. It can also be helpful to talk to someone who has already made a similar transition and get their advice on how they coped. 

    Think About Logistics 

    Make sure you know where you're supposed to be and when, what you need to bring with you, and who you need to talk to. Having a solid plan in place will help you feel more confident and in control on your first day. 

    Set Realistic Expectations 

    Your first day is not going to be perfect, and that's okay. Accept that there will be a learning curve as you adjust to your new role. Don't put pressure on yourself to be perfect - just focus on doing your best. Listen to advice from your managers and coworkers and take notes. Remember, it's okay to be a "newbie"! 

    Start the Day with a Positive Attitude 

    No matter how anxious you're feeling, try to start the day with a positive attitude. Smile, make eye contact, and be friendly to everyone you meet. They were once in your shoes, and probably just as nervous as you are! A positive attitude will help you feel more relaxed and confident, and it will set the tone for a successful first day. 

    By following these tips from your local staffing company , you can overcome the first-day jitters and start your new job with confidence. Just take it one step at a time and remember that everyone was once a newbie too. With a positive attitude and a little preparation, you'll be off to a great start! 

    Express Employment Professionals in Danville, IL is a full-service staffing agency that offers a customized experience to eliminate stress and frustration by providing services in our community and by helping job seekers find employment proactively.  

    Express Employment Professionals of Danville, IL  
    3160 North Vermillion Street  
    Danville, IL 61832  
    (217) 703-4156