How to Take the Best LinkedIn Profile Photos

  • How to Take the Best LinkedIn Profile Photos

    Danville, IL - July 28, 2023

    2023-07 - engineering recruitment agencies in Danville,IL
    When it comes to landing your dream job, having an impressive LinkedIn profile is key. And one major component of any stellar LinkedIn profile is a great profile photo. Your photo is one of the first impressions you make on potential employers and connections, so you want to make sure it's professional, high-quality and represents you well. In this post, an agency staffing services expert will be sharing some tips for taking the best LinkedIn profile photos.

    Dress professionally 

    This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's worth mentioning. Dressing professionally for your LinkedIn photo is important. You want to convey to potential employers that you take your career seriously and can present yourself professionally. Stick to solid colors - bright, bold patterns can be distracting and take away from your overall image.

    Choose the right background 

    When it comes to backgrounds, keep it simple. A plain, neutral-colored background is best for LinkedIn photos. Avoid busy backgrounds or anything that could distract from your face.

    Lighting is key 

    Good lighting is important for any photo, and LinkedIn photos are no exception. Natural light is the most flattering, so try taking your photo outside or near a large window. Ensure that your face is well-lit and avoid being backlit.

    Get a headshot 

    Headshots are great for LinkedIn photos, as they focus on your face and eliminate any distractions. If you don't have the budget to hire a professional photographer, enlist a friend to help you take a headshot. Position yourself in front of a plain wall or background and take several shots until you find the one that you're happy with.


    Your LinkedIn photo should convey a sense of approachability and friendliness, so don't be afraid to smile. The goal is to look professional, but also friendly and easy to work with.

    In conclusion, a high-quality LinkedIn profile photo can significantly enhance the visibility of your profile to potential employers and connections. Whether you're an independent job seeker or linked with engineering recruitment agencies, the importance of a professional, well-lit headshot cannot be overstated. Remember, your profile picture is more than just a photo - it's an opportunity to make a strong first impression on potential employers. So, dress professionally, pick the right background, ensure good lighting, focus on a headshot, and let your smile shine through. Bolstering your LinkedIn profile with a proficient photo can make all the difference in your career advancement.

    About Us 

    Express Employment Professionals in Danville, IL is a full-service staffing agency that offers a customized experience to eliminate stress and frustration by providing services in our community and by helping job seekers find employment proactively.

    Express Employment Professionals of Danville, IL
    3160 North Vermillion Street
    Danville, IL 61832
    (217) 703-4156