What Are Candidates Looking for in a Job Ad?

  • What Are Candidates Looking for in a Job Ad?

    Danville, IL - September 25, 2023

    2023-09 - Job Openings in Danville, IL
    Writing a job ad is the first step in the recruitment process, and it could make or break your company’s success. It’s not just about listing the job requirements, though, you need to articulate what really sets your company apart and a great place to work. A good job ad will make your company a great place to work. In this blog from a leader in administrative jobs, you’ll learn what exactly candidates are looking for in a job ad.

    Clear Job Title

    Be specific about the role you’re hiring for. If you need a graphic designer, don’t use a title like “design ninja”. It’s best to be straightforward with your job title and to the point. You should also avoid using internal jargon that candidates might not understand.

    Detailed Job Description

    All jobseekers want to know what kind of tasks they’ll be responsible for on a day-to-day basis. Be sure to outline the main duties that will be performed. You also need to include the skills required for the job, as well as any certifications or degrees.

    Company Culture

    It’s not just about the job duties, but the company as a whole. Candidates need to know if they will fit in with the people at your organization. Provide information about the culture of the company and the values your team shares. Give a sense of the workplace environment. It will be easier to find the right candidate by sharing this information in the job posting.


    Most people won’t take the time to apply to job openings that doesn’t include salary information in the job posting, so it’s necessary to include it if you want to attract the right talent. Be sure to also include any benefits that your company offers, like health insurance or PTO.


    Crafting a job ad is a crucial step towards finding the perfect candidate for your team. Keep your job posting clear yet informative. By remembering these tips, you can attract just who you’re looking for. If you want even more help finding the right person to join the team, reach out to Express Employment Professionals today!

    About Us:

    Express Employment Professionals in Danville, IL is a full-service staffing agency that offers a customized experience to eliminate stress and frustration by providing services in our community and by helping job seekers find employment proactively.

    Express Employment Professionals of Danville, IL
    3160 North Vermillion Street
    Danville, IL 61832
    (217) 703-4156