How to Make Your Seasonal Job a Permanent One

  • How to Make Your Seasonal Job a Permanent One

    DeKalb, IL - October 21, 2022

    21/2022/October--Business Staffing Agency In DeKalb, IL - (815) 986-9373 With the holidays fast approaching, many people will be looking for seasonal work to help make ends meet. While a seasonal job can be a beneficial way to earn some extra money, it can also be an opportunity to land a permanent position with a company. Here are a few tips from a hiring help company in DeKalb, Illinois , on how to make the most of your seasonal job and turn it into a long-term career. 

    Get to Know Your Co-workers and Supervisors. 

    One of the best ways to make a good impression at your job is to get to know the people you work with. Introduce yourself to your co-workers and take the time to learn their names and what they do. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. And if you see someone struggling, offer to help. Getting along with the people you work with will make your job more enjoyable and increase the likelihood of being considered for a permanent position. 

    Become a Top Performer. 

    Prove that you're an asset to the team. To stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of being offered a permanent position, you must go beyond what is expected of you. Show up early, stay late, and take on additional assignments when possible. By proving that you are a hard worker who is willing to put in extra effort, you'll make yourself indispensable in the eyes of your employer. 

    Be Positive and Upbeat. 

    Seasonal jobs can be tough, so it's important to stay upbeat throughout the process. Show your boss that you're easy to work with and you have a good attitude-even when things get tough. 

    Let Your Boss Know! 

    If you're interested in making your seasonal job a permanent one, be sure to let your boss know. Express your interest in the position and ask about the possibility of being hired full-time. They may not assume that you are interested, so making them aware will put you on their radar. 

    A seasonal job can be a great way to earn some extra money during the holidays and land a permanent position with a company. By following these simple tips from your local employment staffing firm , you'll increase your chances of impressing your employer and landing the permanent position you're after. 

    Serving DeKalb, Lee, Ogle, and Boone Counties, Express Employment Professionals helps hire qualified employees while helping job seekers find their dream job. As an Express Employment Professionals franchise office, we are proud to be part of one of the best employment companies in the U.S. and Canada while remaining connected to our local community.  

    Express Employment Professionals  

    1812 Sycamore Road Unit B 

    DeKalb, Illinois 60115 

    (815) 986-9373