Improve Productivity with a Staffing Agency

  • Improve Productivity with a Staffing Agency

    May 19, 2020

    Improve Productivity with a Staffing Agency 1 Your workforce is the heart and soul of your business. The amount of work you get out of each person is known as productivity, and that productivity can be weighed against the money you spend on payroll.

    With that in mind, it's easy to see how productivity impacts your bottom line. If the people you're paying are bringing you value for your dollar, your business will benefit. Alternately, even one unproductive employee can become a drain on your bottom line.

    Luckily, there are some things you can do to get the most out of those payroll dollars. One quick route is to hire a staffing agency that can take over recruitment and hiring for your organization. Here are a few ways a staffing agency can boost your own productivity.

    Working, Not Hiring

    If you work with a staffing agency, the first boost to productivity will be your own. According to the Society of Human Resources, it takes an average of 36 days to fill a position. During that time, you'll be placing ads, vetting resumes, conducting interviews, and making a decision. If you make a bad hire, you'll be forced to repeat the process all over again. A staffing agency takes over that process for you, allowing you to focus on building your business and managing your existing team.

    Hire the Right People

    Productivity starts by hiring productive people. But often it's more about the right fit. Someone could perform poorly in one environment, only to be a top producer elsewhere. Staffing specialists are trained to match professionals with the right culture fit. That means you'll increase the chances of getting it right the first time, reducing the odds you'll be hiring again a few months down the road.

    Increase Retention

    Then there's the productivity connection. High turnover in organizations has been connected to a decrease in productivity. Not only do you have to train replacements for exiting employees, but it weighs on the members of your team who do stick around. They have to pick up the slack when someone leaves. Over time, they may also begin to feel negatively about your workplace, especially if the people leaving have become their friends.

    Express Pros specializes in recruiting and placing professionals in professional, light industrial, and office services. We'll work with you to learn as much as possible about the type of employees who best fit in your organization. From there, we'll work hard to place the best professional in each vacancy to help you achieve peak productivity. Call us today at (615) 441-8898 to find out how we can help your organization grow and thrive.