Why So Many Companies Use a Staffing Agency

  • Why So Many Companies Use a Staffing Agency

    February 04, 2020

    Why So Many Companies Use a Staffing Agency Staffing agencies are more popular than ever, whether for filling temporary or permanent positions. If you're in an industry that relies on workers with specialized expertise, such as engineering or industrial trades, you may have even found that recruiting local professionals with the skills you need is an ongoing challenge.

     If you've looked around and noticed your colleagues are using staffing agencies, you may wonder why so many companies are using them. Here are a few of the top reasons recruiting experts have become so popular.

    Save Time and Frustration

    The national labor shortage is a problem for growing businesses. Small and midsized companies find themselves competing with large corporations who have big budgets. A staffing agency knows the local market and can advise you on specifics like market pay rates and benefits. They'll also have access to a selection of candidates with specialized skills that will help them match professionals to your job openings.

    Help with Compliance

    You may not have even considered it while hiring, but the screening process is rife with risks. Working with a staffing agency won't protect you if your hiring practices are discriminatory or otherwise problematic, but you will have access to a high level of expertise. The right staffing agency will recruit and screen in compliance with all labor laws, as well as advising you on what you need to do to remain on the good side of the law.

    Scale and Fill

    You won't always need a full-time worker. A staffing agency helps companies scale quickly, whether it's to handle a seasonal increase in workload or temporarily fill in for an employee on leave. A staffing service looks for specialists who can bring their expertise to your business, usually requiring little training. When you no longer need them, you don't have go through the complicated termination process. The staffing agency handles finding the worker's next assignment.

    Finding Passive Candidates

    When you invite the public to apply for your open positions, you'll likely only reach candidates who are actively looking for a job. A staffing agency handles the networking required to locate these potential hires, saving you the hard work of doing it yourself. You may mention your needs to a recruiter who just spoke to the perfect person for the job a few days ago.

    Whether you're filling existing openings or you're considering an ongoing hiring resource, Express Pros is here to help. We have more than 800 locations nationwide with skilled professionals across a wide range of industries. Call us today at (615) 441-8898 to find out how we can help you find your next great worker.