Three Big Things to Expect When Working with a Recruiter

  • Three Big Things to Expect When Working with a Recruiter

    SE Phoenix, AZ - November 29, 2021

    Staffing Agency in Phoenix AZ If you've been looking for employment and have not had much luck, then it may be time to consider getting a job through your local  employment agency . Recruiters can help you find jobs that are perfect for your skillset and career goals. However, before you sign on the dotted line or close the browser window, there are some things to expect when working with a recruiter: 

    - They'll ask for a resume and cover letter. 

    Reading through these documents will help recruiters assess your employment history, career goals, and skill set. This will assist them in finding the best job opportunities for you that are consistent with your criteria. Having an employment professional review your resume and career history is also beneficial because they can assist you with significant changes that will catch the interviewer's eye. 

    -You may be required to complete a skill test and practice interviews with the firm. 

    The practice interviews and skills examinations are beneficial since they assist the recruiters in matching a candidate with a suitable position. The recruiter will be also be knowledgeable about the types of questions that may arise throughout the interview process, which will help you become more prepared. 

    -Expect questions about your career goals and desired salary. 

    It's important to be open and honest when responding to these questions. These answers are crucial in helping the recruiter match you with the perfect career opportunity. They'll also need to know your desired salary so they can assess whether there are suitable positions within their network of employers who would be willing to pay what you're asking for. 

    Finding the right career can always be tough, but working with a recruiter is a great step in the right direction! They are familiar with the hiring process and can help make your job search easier. Once you work with recruiters who give you  employment solutions , you'll quickly learn that there's nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by seeking their assistance. 

    Express Employment Professionals 
    4501 E. Thomas Road Suite A-106 
    Phoenix, AZ 85018 
    (602) 955-9955