Job Center in Phoenix, Arizona

  • 4 Strategies for Connecting Manufacturing Companies

    Phoenix, AZ - December 13, 2022

    As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to create a connected workplace. A connected workplace is one in which employees are empowered and engaged with their work, increasing collaboration and productivity. Here are four strategies from a leading, local job center that can help you build a more connected workplace in your manufacturing company.

    Increase Communication Across Departments

    One of the most important things you can do to enhance the connectivity between employees is to facilitate better communication between departments. This means providing tools like team chat rooms or video conferencing platforms so that employees can quickly and easily communicate with each other without having to travel between offices or locations. The goal should be to make it as easy as possible for people to interact with each other without any major obstacles. 

    Invest in Employee Development

    Another key strategy is investing in employee development. By offering on-the-job training and educational opportunities, you will be equipping your employees with the skills they need to stay ahead of the competition and stay up to date on the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Not only does this encourage continued learning, but it also shows your employees that you are invested in their professional growth and success. 

    Demonstrate to Employees That It's Okay to Be Open and Honest

    In addition to creating an environment where innovation is encouraged, companies need to create a space where vulnerability is accepted and even celebrated. By allowing employees the freedom and safety needed for them to share their true selves, companies can create a strong bond between team members which will ultimately lead them toward success. 

    Promote Collaboration

    Finally, it's important to promote collaboration among employees by encouraging them to work together on projects or tasks whenever possible. This could include setting up cross-functional teams or setting aside specific times when people from different departments come together to brainstorm ideas or solve problems together. Doing this will not only help foster a sense of connection between departments but also encourage creative thinking that could lead to fresh solutions or products for your business.

    According to experts in employment agencies, building a more connected workplace is essential for any successful manufacturing company today. By investing in communication tools, offering employee development opportunities, embracing vulnerability, and promoting collaboration among departments, you can create an environment where everyone feels supported, appreciated, valued—and most importantly—connected!

    About Us

    The South Phoenix office of Express Employment Professionals is a locally owned and operated Staffing Agency. Express provides a full range of employment in a wide range of positions.     
    Express Employment Professionals   
    3230 East Broadway Road B-110   
    Phoenix, AZ 85040   
    (602) 458-9500