How to Get a Job in Rockford: 5 Interview Tips

  • How to Get a Job in Rockford: 5 Interview Tips

    Rockford, IL - November 13, 2019

    How to Get a Job in Rockford To find out how to get a job in Rockford, you've got to go back to the basics. Learning how to showcase yourself and your experience during an interview is a skill that takes preparation and practice. To help you sharpen your interview abilities, our experts at Express Employment Professionals Rockford have a few important tips to offer. 

    Do you have a job interview coming up? If so, try the following tips to make sure you're ready to impress:

    • Do your research - Don't assume you know all there is to know about the company you're interviewing with, even if you've wanted to work there for a while. You may find information on the company website, in their social media posts, or elsewhere online that you can touch upon in your interview. In addition, you may learn something about your interviewer on their LinkedIn profile that helps you forge a compelling connection.
    • Prepare specific responses to common questions - If you're asked to sum up your work experience or why you think you're qualified for the role, what would you say? Look over your resume and think of specific accomplishments and projects you can call out that apply to the position you want. 
    • Bring appropriate materials - Come to the interview with a notepad or portfolio so you can take notes and demonstrate that you're eager to learn. You may also want to bring a list of references, a copy of your resume for reference, and any questions you've thought of for the company.
    • Carry yourself with confidence - Be aware of your body language and make sure to convey confidence and a positive attitude. Smile, check your posture, and make eye contact to show you're fully present and engaged. 
    • Express your gratitude and follow up - At the end of your interview, make sure to thank your interviewer with a smile. If it didn't come up in the interview itself, ask about next steps in the hiring process. Make sure to send a follow up email within a few days to check in and reiterate your interest in the position.

    Find Out How to Get a Job in Rockford With Our Help

    Looking for new job opportunities? For more details on how to get a job in Rockford, Freeport, and Belvidere in Illinois, as well as Beloit in Wisconsin, call Express Employment Professionals Rockford now at (815) 708-0991.