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  • Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Tips to Avoiding Costly Mistakes in Virtual Interview Salem, OR - 08/29/2023 With remote working becoming increasingly popular, virtual interviews are also becoming more common. While the virtual interview process has made it easier to make connections from a distance, it comes with unique challenges. 
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Mastering the Art of Self-Introduction: Tips and Examples Salem, OR - 07/27/2023 We've all been there - invited to an event, meeting, or networking session where we're expected to introduce ourselves to a group of strangers. A solid self-introduction can make all the difference in creating a positive first impression and establishing yourself as confident and competent. 
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles The Top 5 Skills You Need to Showcase on Your Resume Salem, OR - 06/30/2023 Writing your resume can be a daunting task. It's important that it accurately reflects your skills, experiences, and qualifications to attract the attention of potential employers. Your resume is your first impression, and you need to make it the best one possible.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles 4 Facts You Did Not Know About Employment Agencies Salem, OR - 05/31/2023 Are you a job seeker hunting for the right position? Or are you an employer looking for the right candidate? If so, employment centers can be your most valuable resource. 
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles How to Negotiate for a Raise When You've Taken on More Responsibility Salem, OR - 04/26/2023 Have you been working hard and taking on more responsibilities at work? If so, you might be thinking about asking for a raise.