• Meet The Staff

    Jennifer Charnik
    Jennifer Charnik

    Front Office Coordinator

    Originally from Delaware, Jennifer is our Director of First Impressions at our Saratoga office. If you’ve already had the pleasure of working with her, you know she is always willing to go the extra mile to get things done. Previously an office manager at a supply company, Jennifer dove right into her current role at Express and has been one of our quickest learners!

    When she isn’t taking calls and solving problems, she loves to cook, spend time with her family, and watch NASCAR and baseball*.

    *Jennifer has given us permission to disclose that she is, in fact, a Red Sox fan. In the spirit of supporting diversity and growth at Express, we encourage our local Yankee fans to give Jennifer a call today!

    Email Jennifer Charnik

    Alise Dowling

    Employment Specialist

    Alise was born and raised in the Capitol Region. After completing her bachelor's degree through the SUNY system, she packed up everything she owned and set the GPS to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There, she spent the last several years exploring the Mid-west, getting involved in the Action Sports industry, and finding the confidence in herself to grow and try new things.

    That brings us to present day Alise, now with the goal of giving people the same opportunity to find themselves in a career that will better who they are and allow them to grow. She is eager to help good people find good jobs with Express. In Alise’s free time, she loves to get involved in outdoor sports and when things get a little cloudy, she could always opt in for some watercolors.


    Email Alise Dowling

    Express Jobs Misty

    Payroll Department

    Misty was Jordan's Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Unfortunately, Misty died unexpectedly two days before Jordan opened Express Employment Professionals. Once we opened, we realized we needed a dedicated e-mail address for our clients to send payroll to. So in honor of Misty we used her name to create an e-mail address that will not go away.

    Email Misty