How to Craft the Perfect Resume for Hiring Success

  • How to Craft the Perfect Resume for Hiring Success

    Lakewood, CO - March 31, 2023

    2023-03 - Career hiring in Lakewood, Colorado

    Crafting the perfect resume is one of the most important steps when applying for a job. After all, your potential employer will use your resume to decide if you are qualified for the position.

    It is essential to make sure your resume stands out from other applicants and that it accurately reflects your skills and experience. Here are some tips from a leading job center in Lakewood, Colorado, on how to create a resume that will get you hired.

    Have Multiple Professionals Proofread It 

    Having someone else look at your resume is an invaluable tool when crafting the perfect document. If possible, have two or three people review it—someone with expertise in the field, someone who understands resumes, and/or someone with an eye for detail. This helps ensure accuracy, clarity, and overall quality. Plus, it can provide helpful insights into ways you can enhance and improve your resume even further.

    Get Specific and Use Numbers 

    Using specific numbers is a great way to help employers better understand how you have contributed to past roles. Instead of simply stating that you “managed a team” or “increased sales”, include details such as how many people were on the team or what percentage you increased sales by. Employers appreciate this kind of specificity because it provides concrete evidence that you have achieved results in past positions.

    Make It Skimmable and Easy to View 

    Nobody wants to read through long blocks of text or decipher tiny font sizes! Aim to keep each section concise yet informative; use bullet points whenever possible and try to limit yourself to no more than three lines per point.

    You also want to make sure that your formatting facilitates skimming; bolding important words or phrases can be very effective here as well as utilizing headers and sub-headers throughout your document.

    Overall, creating a winning resume takes time and effort but is well worth it in the end if it helps you land the job of your dreams! Follow these simple tips and remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to career hiring; so, don’t be afraid to revise until you feel like your resume truly reflects who you are as an applicant—and what value you would bring to any organization!

    About Us 

    Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Lakewood, CO is a Staffing Agency that exceed expectations by providing services to companies while helping job seekers find employment.

    Express Employment Professionals of Lakewood, CO
    651 Garrison Street Suite 100
    Lakewood, CO 80215
    (303) 238-3500