Job Training Survey

  • America Employed

    Business Survey: Government Job Training Programs Not Effective

    Only 16% Say Programs Work

    Need For Successful Training Programs Is High

    Logan, UT, September 30, 2016—Express Employment Professionals released new survey results revealing that businesses have a low opinion of government job training programs.

    Respondents were asked, “In your opinion, how effective are government job training programs?” 

    A total of 28 percent said the programs were either “ineffective” or “very ineffective,” an increase from 24 percent in the 2015 survey. Only 2 percent said “very effective,” and 16 percent said “effective.” A majority, 55 percent, said the programs were “neither effective nor ineffective.”

    “There is a surplus of job opportunities for skilled workers in Cache Valley. Technical training is critical to the success of our unique economy,” said Doug Anthony, franchise owner of the Logan, UT Express office.

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    The survey of 390 businesses, which are current and former clients of Express Employment Professionals, covers hiring trends for the second quarter of 2016. The earlier survey of 404 businesses was conducted in December 2014 and January 2015.


    If you would like to arrange for an interview with Doug Anthony, call (435) 213-9595

    About Express Employment Professionals

    Express Employment Professionals puts people to work. It generated $3.02 billion in sales and employed a record 500,002 people in 2015. Its long-term goal is to put a million people to work annually.

    The Logan, UT Express office is located at 1541 N. Main, Suite 100 and serves all of Cache Valley and Box Elder County. Local businesses and applicants are encouraged to stop by, visit or call (435) 213-9595.