Express London Community Involvement

  • Giving Back in Our Local Community

    Whether we are helping people build their careers or their businesses , Express London believes that hope is the foundation for a successful life. We give hope by providing opportunities for people to find gainful employment and have a better quality of life and for businesses to thrive in the community. We support our community by donating funds and time to a few local charitable organizations and partnering with groups whose missions align with our goal of helping improve the quality of life in our community.

     a group of people stand with arms linked and backs to the camera below the word

  • Contributions to Our Community

    Because Express London truly cares about the well being of our community, we are always looking for meaningful causes in our area. Below are just a few organizations we help through monetary, time, resource, or other donations:

  • Our Organizational Affiliations

    At Express London, we are proud to be active in our local Community Organizations, including:


    Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournaments

    Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournaments 2024 Social

    We’ve been making the rounds this month, showing our support for our local chambers of commerce. On June 3, our Franchise Owner, Mike Elliott, along with franchise owners Bradley Jenkins, Tyler Whitbread and retired owner Bruce Hein, made up team Express at the St. Thomas and District Chamber of Commerce’s 50th Members Golf Day Tournament. Our franchise was also a hole sponsor for the Women’s Longest Drive.

    On June 17, our Express team was represented by James Norris, Mike Elliott, Sarah Smith, Christine Sawyer, Andrew English and Rachelle Nicholls at the Annual Past Chairs Golf Classic Tournament of the London Chamber of Commerce. We got players checked in and organized as the Registration Sponsor for the event and then put our skills to the test on the golf course. 

    Thanks to both chambers for the opportunity to meet some great people, play a good game and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. See you again next year! 

  • Branding it Blue in 2024


    To help address the growing problem of food insecurity in our community, we partnered with local businesses on a food drive in support of the 28th London Cares Curb Hunger Campaign, which ran May 29- June 8. We recognize that proper and adequate nutrition is needed for employees to be productive and thriving in their workplace, so this initiative was the focus for our annual Brand it Blue Campaign.

    On May 27 and 28, Business Development Rep, Rachelle Nicholls, dropped off bags to client and prospect businesses in the London area beginning. All businesses who participated collected food items and made financial contributions to the London Food Bank during the designated period. Rachelle then collected all contributions and dropped them off at the London Food Bank.

    We were thrilled by the generosity of our local businesses and community partners and want to give everyone who participated our sincerest thank you for their contributions.

    Interested in working with us on another initiative? Contact us: 519-672-7620.

  • Earth Day Community Cleanup 2024

    going green community cleanup april 2024

    On April 22, we went green for Earth Day! Armed with eco-friendly garbage bags, litter pickers and gloves, team members made their way out into our neighbouring spaces to help restore some of the beauty and health of our surroundings. From Victoria Park to York Street, every outdoor area was ours for the cleaning. We are pleased to say that our second annual community cleanup was a success! Small steps make big footprints.