Job Seeker FAQs

  • Answers to Your Questions

    Do I have to pay a fee for Express to help me find a job? What types of jobs does Express fill? Does Express place people in full-time jobs or just temporary jobs?

    Check out the list of Frequently Asked Questions below for answers to these questions and more.

    a woman with short dark hair wearing a white blouse looks pensive and stands in front of a man in a shirt and tie who is holding a drawing of a light bulb in front of his face

  • Express Has Office Jobs

  • Hiring Skilled Trade Workers

  • Express Has Warehouse and Logistics Jobs

  • Job Seeker/Candidate FAQ

    Q. Do I pay any fees to when Express finds me a job?  
    A. No, you are never charged a fee when Express finds you a job. 
    Q. What types of jobs does Express have available? 
    A. All types! From office and administrative positions to light Industrial jobs like production, manufacturing, warehousing and more. We also fill skilled trades jobs and professional and executive positions. We place people in many types of jobs at all levels. Contact us to find out what jobs are available in the London area or search available jobs right here
    Q. Does Express place people in full-time, permanent jobs and part-time jobs or just temporary jobs?  
    A. Yes, we provide a variety of jobs that can fit your schedule. Whether it's a full-time or part-time job, there are a variety of shifts available. We also offer temporary assignments on a day to day basis, so you can work when and where you want. 

    Q. How does Express work? 
    A. One of our client companies sends us a job request. We match the best applicants for the job requirements. When you’re a match and the client company agrees, we’ll call to see if you’re available to work. If you accept the assignment, we’ll provide you with all the information you need. Once you complete the job assignment, contact us to be placed back on our list of available workers to be considered for future assignments. 

    Q. What determines if I get assigned to a job through Express?  
    A. We match the best applicants for the job requirements. We always try to take your needs into consideration and the best way to do this is through a quick interview with an employment specialist. Through this interview, your employment specialist will be able to gage your experience, but also your preferred schedule, wage and location. If your skills and requirements also match the skills and requirements of the job, we will make you a conditional job offer. 
    Q. Do I have to accept every job assignment? 
    A. It’s always your choice whether to accept an assignment. Flexibility is an Express advantage. Once you accept an assignment though, we depend on you to complete it. 
    Q. How long are the job assignments? 
    A. Assignments can last from four hours to a few weeks or even months. Some assignments can even develop into a full-time position. We will let you know the approximate length of the assignment before you accept it, to make sure your availability is a match for the job requirements. 
    Q. What is the benefit of accepting a temporary job?
    A. A temporary job assignment allows you to earn a pay cheque while you explore career fields and gain new skills. Contacts you make on a temporary assignment can lead to a full-time position, future work, and positive references. 
    Q. What is the average length of a temporary assignment? 
    A.  While all job assignments and client companies are different, the average length of an individual temporary assignment with Express is 16 weeks. This is based on performance and attendance. Once you complete a job assignment, contact us to be placed back on our list of available workers to be considered for future assignments.  
    Q. What is the average number of hours per week in a temporary assignment? 
    A. While we can’t guarantee a specific number of hours, our associates average 37 hours per week. All job markets vary, and the number of hours will vary based on a client company’s needs. One of the benefits of working with a staffing firm is that you have more control to tailor how you work to your lifestyle. 
    Q. How often can I work? 
    A. How often you work depends on a variety of factors, including your availability, how often you’d like to work, how in-demand your skills are, and if we have jobs available for your skill set. Employment Standards Association guides state you cannot work over 60 hours in a week. Visit our Career Development section for resources to help make your skills more marketable. 
    Q. When placed in a permanent role, will I be working and getting paid through Express for my probationary period? 
    A. No, when you are hired for a permanent role, you will be working directly for the company from day one, the same as you would if you found that position on your own. 
    Q. What does franchising mean? 
    A. Franchising is the practice of selling the right to use a company’s successful business model. Your local Express office owner invested in the right to use the award-winning, proven methods and tools for staffing from Express Employment Professionals International Headquarters. Your local Express team members are experts on the job market in your community and have access to all the resources of the international company. 

  • Have more questions? Contact an Express representative. We're here to help.