Employee of the Month

  • eom-london-june-2024-web
    Lindsey Marr

    June 2024 Employee of the Month

    Associate Lindsey Marr is so popular in her workplace that the whole team gathered to celebrate her when we presented her with her Employee of the Month certificate.

    This award came as no surprise to her workmates, as they tell us that “she’s very dedicated”, “comes to work with a smile on her face”, and “brings a positive energy to the office.”

    Congratulations, Lindsey, and thank you for your enthusiasm and optimism! 

    Email Lindsey Marr

    Bradley Handzy

    May 2024 Employee of the Month

    Committed and keen, associate Bradley Handzy is someone we know we can count on. His friendly and humble nature makes him a team favorite and our top pick for May Employee of the Month.

    Congratulations, Bradley, and thank you for your outstanding work!

    Email Bradley Handzy

    MIa Corlett

    April 2024 Employee of the Month

    A positive attitude goes a long way. In addition to her eagerness to learn and take initiative, associate Mia Corlett’s optimistic outlook contributes to her success in the workplace, along with her strong attention to detail and cheerful nature.

    Thank you, Mia, for all your efforts! Congratulations – you’re our April Employee of the month!


    Email MIa Corlett

    Lisa Henshaw

    March 2024 Employee of the Month

    Efficiency is associate Lisa Henshaw’s middle name! Lisa energizes her team daily and is “very eager to assist in all areas of the building.” Her manager also tells us she is a “dedicated, motivated hard worker” and that they “are grateful to have her working with [them]”.

    Lisa, we are grateful to have you working with us! Thank you for always striving to be your best and congratulations – you’re our March Employee of the Month!

    Email Lisa Henshaw

    Shameer Salam

    February 2024 Employee of the Month

    According to his supervisor, associate Shameer Salam comes to work every day with a smile on his face and ready to learn. Shameer is described by his manager as dependable and efficient and she is quick to praise his willingness to help others beyond his role and make friends throughout the company.

    Shameer, thank you for your positivity, assistance and affability! Congratulations – you’re our February Employee of the Month!

    Email Shameer Salam

    Ramandeep Sadiora

    December 2023 Employee of the Month

    A dedicated and reliable worker, associate Ramandeep Sadiora has impressed her supervisor by maintaining a “good attitude” throughout the day.

    We’re impressed by your unwavering positivity, Ramandeep. Congratulations – you’re our December Associate/Employee of the Month!              


    Email Ramandeep Sadiora

    Larry Plumstead

    November 2023 Employee of the Month

    Associate Larry Plumstead is committed and conscientious with anything he takes on – he has not yet missed a day of work! He credits his current work success to his supportive co-workers and the positive work environment. When asked what advice he would give to someone in his role, Larry says, “Give your best effort every shift and things will move forward.”

    Thanks, Larry, for giving every shift your best effort. And congratulations – you’re our November Employee of the Month!

    Email Larry Plumstead

    Sue Evans

    October 2023 Employee of the Month

    Employee engagement is a top priority for many businesses and associate Sue Evans is a prime example. Described as reliable and committed by her supervisor, Sue is strongly invested in the success of her team in the workplace. She’s also a force of positivity and is always ready to take on new challenges.

    Thank you, Sue, for everything you bring to the workplace. And congratulations – you’re our October Employee of the Month!

    Email Sue Evans


    August 2023 Employee of the Month

    Commitment and loyalty go a long way with our clients and associate Chris is the perfect example of both! 

    According to his supervisor, Chris also “works well with his co-workers” and “consistently offers input into problem-solving and improvement initiatives.”

    Thanks for your dedication and hard work, Chris! And congratulations – you’re our August Employee of the Month!











    Email Chris

    Kyle Moes

    July 2023 Employee of the Month

    We’ve got so many wonderful associates that it’s always hard to choose one to recognize each month. Our July Employee of the Month stands out for his enduring commitment to the job and upbeat attitude over the course of his 13 months and going assignment.

    Congratulations to Kyle Moes and thanks, Kyle, for setting a great example for all of us!


    Email Kyle Moes

    William Payne

    June 2023 Employee of the Month

    Quiet and confident, associate William Payne is not afraid to ask “pertinent questions” to “ensure he is meeting expectations and directions with accuracy”.  It’s the reason for his success in the workplace and our reason for naming him our June Employee of the Month! 

    Congratulations, William - thanks for all your energy and enthusiasm. And thanks to our camera-shy guest for the photo op!


    Email William Payne

    Sylvia Brettrager

    May 2023 Employee of the Month

    A long-time associate, Sylvia Brettrager is reliable, consistent, personable and always willing to help out. She is well-liked by her co-workers, regardless the assignment, and brings her positivity and enthusiasm into the workplace.

    Congratulations, Sylvia – you’re our May Employee of the Month! Thank you for being someone we can count on.

    Email Sylvia Brettrager

    Brett Stiles

    April 2023 Employee of the Month

    Our Employee of the Month program is designed to recognize those whom we see as outstanding – not only as a worker, but as a person as well. With so many great associates, it was difficult to choose, but associate Brett Stiles stood out for his enthusiasm and willingness to help, which got him hired on in a full-time permanent position.

    Congratulations, Brett, and thank you for your commitment to the job!


    Email Brett Stiles

    Rose Arthur

    March 2023 Employee of the Month

    Attitude makes the employee! And Associate Rose Arthur is all about the attitude – bringing a great work ethic and good cheer into her workplace at King’s College. When she’s done cleaning, the room sparkles as much as her personality.

    Thanks, Rose, for the shine and smiles! Congratulations on being our March Employee of the Month.

    Email Rose Arthur


    February 2023 Employee of the Month

    Associate Heather is on a mission to change the world for the better, by bringing positivity into the workplace! Her employers at Rehab First are thrilled with her upbeat attitude, her humble and respectful manner and exemplary attendance. She’s always ready to take on the next challenge with a smile on her face. That’s why we’re naming Heather our February Employee of the Month.

    Congratulations, Heather – and thank you for everything you do! We’re so proud of you – keep bringing the joy to work!

    Email Heather

    Debbie Robertson-Harrington

    January 2023 Employee of the Month

    We’re starting the New Year with a dose of positivity! Associate Debbie Robertson-Harrington’s supervisor at King’s College was full of praise for Debbie’s punctuality, excellent work ethic and cheerful attitude, sharing that “Debbie is a pleasure to work with.”

    Debbie, it’s our pleasure to name you our January Employee of the Month! Congratulations and thank you for bringing your best to work!


    Email Debbie Robertson-Harrington

    eom-blake-therrrian-royal building solutions-website
    Blake Therrien

    December 2022 Employee of the Month

    Associate Blake Therrien arrives at Royal Building Solutions Inc each day with a “great attitude” and “willing to jump in with whatever task is asked of him.” He’s “a great team player” and is the reason his supervisor and teammates are “extremely excited and happy” to work with him!

    A huge thank you to Blake for all his hard work and our congratulations in his being named December Employee of the Month!





    Email Blake Therrien

    Corey Willett and Michael Wong

    November and October 2022 Employee of the Month

    Associates Corey Willett and Michael Wong have both been working at United Muffler Corp for only four months and they managed to impress their supervisor! In addition to having exemplary attendance, Corey and Michael have "picked up the work quickly and efficiently" and are always "pleasant and friendly". Their supervisor also feels they are "excellent employees" and is "extremely happy with them."

    We're extremely happy with them, too! Thanks to Corey and Michael for bringing their best to work and congratulations on being named our Employees of the Month for October and November!

    Email Corey Willett and Michael Wong

    eom-rohan-henry-beacon-roofing-sept-p4-edited-2 -RESIZED
    Rohan Henry

    September 2022 Employee of the Month

    Rohan Henry at Beacon Roofing is praised by his colleagues for being energetic, positive, reliable and committed and we completely agree! That's why we have named him our September Employee of the Month.

    Congratulations, Rohan, and thanks for all your hard work!

    Email Rohan Henry

    Dawn Addley

    August 2022 Employee of the Month

    Dawn Addley's colleagues at National Truck League were so thrilled to have her on board that they offered her a permanent position and some fabulous testimonials. According to her colleagues, Dawn “knows how to ask the right questions and is motivated to perform”. She has “made a positive impact on the National Truck League office culture", “takes her work very seriously”,  and  “is a great addition to the team."

    They also describe her as “personable, attentive, responsible, motivated, approachable, coachable and willing to try.” 

    Congratulations, Dawn - our August Employee of the Month!

    Email Dawn Addley

    Brad Longlade

    July 2022 Employee of the Month

    Brad Longlade is our stellar associate for July! Brad is being celebrated as Employee of the Month for his outstanding work as a weekend shift assembler at Blackfly Beverages.

    Congratulations, Brad, and keep up the great work! 

    Email Brad Longlade

    Lacey Watson

    June 2022 Employee of the Month

    Our June Employee of the Month is Lacey Watson, associate extraordinaire at CSP Medical. President and CEO Steve Jensens says Lacey is "killing it" as Logistics Coordinator and is always ready and willing to help out wherever she can -  whether it be with packaging, paperwork or even dog-walking!

    Our congratulations and thanks to Lacey, for all her hard work and help!

    Email Lacey Watson