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  • Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles The Power of Communication in the Workplace Oxnard, CA - 01/25/2024 Effective communication is the foundation of any successful organization. It’s what binds teams together. In this blog, you’ll find out more about the power of communication in the workplace.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles How to Ace Your First In-Person Interview? Oxnard, CA - 12/25/2023 Preparing for your first in-person interview can be overwhelming and stressful. In this blog, you’ll find some useful tips that will teach you how to ace your first in-person interview.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles 3 Best Ways to Expand Your Network Online Oxnard, CA - 11/28/2023 In today’s digital age, networking is easier than ever before. The internet allows you to connect with people from all corners of the world. In this blog, you’ll find out the three best ways to expand your network online.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Career Transition Oxnard, CA - 10/27/2023 Making a change in your career is bound to happen in anyone’s life. It’s exciting, but it can also be challenging. In this blog, you’ll find out some of the most common mistakes to avoid during a career transition.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles How to Plan Your Next Steps After Job Rejection? Oxnard, CA - 09/20/2023 Job rejections are never easy, especially when you put your best efforts into a job application. It’s natural to feel disheartened and frustrated. Let's see some tips for planning your next steps after the job rejection.