Express London In the News

  • CE-nov 30 image-thumbnail Employee Turnover Costly and a Growing Problem for Canadian Businesses London, Ontario - 11/30/2022

    Employee turnover is becoming an increasingly costly problem that continues to plague Canadian businesses still trying to recover and readjust from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey from The Harris Poll commissioned by Express Employment Professionals. 


    A cartoon image of four people at a desk with computers and paper in discussion and stats for key soft skills above their heads Willingness to Learn, Dependability and Problem-Solving Most Desired Soft Skills by Employers London, Ontario - 11/16/2022 Forty percent of companies report having open positions they cannot fill-with almost one-third (30%) saying it is because of an inability to find candidates with the right soft skills.
    a machine with a mechanical claw hovers over a bar graph of the benefits of automation with a silhouette of a person holding on to the last Automation Shouldn’t Spook Companies and Employees Amidst Ongoing Labour Shortages London, Ontario - 10/26/2022 Despite facing ongoing labour shortages heading into the busy holiday shopping season with 40% of companies with open positions that cannot fill, most Canadian companies do not plan to increase automation, according to a survey from The Harris Poll commissioned by Express Employment Professionals. 
    silhouettes of people standing on cliffs separated by a space with the words, Canadians are Unemployed Despite Record Job Openings London, Ontario - 10/14/2022 For the third consecutive month, there were more than 1 million job vacancies in June. Labour shortages continue to plague businesses in all sectors and regions of the country, with "help wanted" signs found in front of many businesses. At the same time, there are more than 1.2 million officially unemployed Canadians and almost half a million additional Canadians who want to work but are not currently looking for a job and are therefore not counted as unemployed.
    image of a blue cartoon train carrying bags of money and coins with dollar bills floating off the top Wages Rise Significantly in Past Two Years; Benefit Offerings Lag Behind London, Ontario - 09/28/2022

    Despite increasing wages and some improvement to benefits, Canadian companies say employee turnover remains high, with 35% of companies reporting that turnover has increased this year compared to last. In addition, 40% of companies say they have open positions they cannot fill.