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    Job Search & Staffing in Thousand Oaks, California

  • Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Avoiding Costly Mistakes in Virtual Interviews Thousand Oaks, CA - 08/29/2023 Virtual job interviews have become the norm for many companies worldwide. With this becoming the new normal, it’s important to make sure you’re ready to present yourself effectively and professionally in a virtual environment.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Make a Lasting Impression: Tips and Examples to Give the Perfect Self-Introduction Thousand Oaks, CA - 07/28/2023 The best way to get an audience to remember you is by having a great first impression. The way to do this is by mastering the perfect self-introduction. This is crucial to any situation, whether it be a networking event, casual social setting, or an important job interview. 
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles The Top Skill to Put on Your Resume and How to Showcase It Thousand Oaks, CA - 06/30/2023 When it comes to searching for new job opportunities, we all want to give ourselves the best possible chance to land that dream job. One of the most important things we can do is make sure we have the right skills listed on our resume.
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles How Many Jobs Should I Put on My Resume? Thousand Oaks, CA - 05/31/2023 When it comes to creating a resume, one of the most common questions many job seekers have is how many jobs they should list on their resume. Let's find out now!
    Thumbnail - Express Blog Articles Starting a New Job? Ask These Questions on Your First Day Thousand Oaks, CA - 04/26/2023 Starting a new job can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. You're walking into a new environment, with new coworkers, and new responsibilities.